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Golang, Node.js or Python: Which is Best for Your Project?

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admin on 02 Nov 2022


The most difficult task for any CIO or CTO is to choose a technology with suits their customer’s need. So, here we will tell you which is best for your project out of Golang, Node.js, or Python. It also depends on previous experience of leadership technology team with any specific programming language. The most common factors are:

  • Development objectives
  • Nature of business
  • Resources availability
  • Technology maturity
  • Community support
  • Cost
  • Scalability
  • Security
  • Implementation time & efforts

and many more….

I have been receiving many queries about choosing one programming languages out of Golang, Node.js or Python. Again, it would be very difficult to suggest single technology for all kind of business needs and situation so I thought of listing pros and cons of all 3 technologies.

Some Pros & Cons Golang, Node.js or Python

Golang Advantages and Limitations


  • Easy to Learn
  • Built-in Testing Frameworks
  • Strong Garbage Collection Feature
  • High Concurrency
  • Open Source in Nature
  • Fast Compilation


  • Poor Abstraction Support
  • Not a General Purpose Language
  • Asynchrony is Tough

Node.js Advantages and Limitations

Advantages: –

  • Open Source
  • Scalable for Microservices
  • Cashing support
  • Rest API Support
  • Community Support
  • Fast Processing


  • Multi-threading is Tough
  • Poor in Executing Synchronous
  • Not Good for Large Computation Works

Python Advantages and Limitations


  • Extensive Supporting Libraries
  • Easy to Learn and Read
  • Great Choice for Prototyping and R&D
  • It is Object Oriented
  • Extensible in C++ & C


  • Slow Execution Speed
  • Not Good for Game or Mobile Development
  • High Memory Consumption


As you can see, Golang, Node.js or Python all have their own advantages and disadvantages. In this blog, we tell you which is best for your project out of Golang, Node.js or Python.

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